Project Update: Full Control!

Greetings all!

As summer rolls into fall, it’s time for a sign of life!

First of all, I’ve been a bit quiet over the summer as I’ve taken the time to rest and recover post-launch. Skald took a lot out of me and I was pretty burned out by the end. Thankfully, the game has been a success so it’s been worth it.

However, I have indeed been fully back to work now for a few weeks and things are moving ahead with a new update!

I’ll release more details as we get closer but as a little sneak-peak, I can tell you that I’m doing a huge lift for controller and Steam Deck play!

I love playing the new version on the go with my Steam Deck!

We’re also adding a good handful of bug-fixes and minor features as well as adding in some character options, portraits and a dozen illustrations that we didn’t have time to get in there before launch.

This update will drop at the end of September (and a week earlier on the experimental branch so stay posted)!

Beyond that, the road-map for the rest of the year is pretty much laid and there is some really cool stuff coming up that I can’t wait to share with you! But one thing at the time…

To stay posted, be sure to follow the Skald Twitter and Discord if you haven’t already!
